7 Mobile Marketing Strategies To Know (& Increase eCommerce Revenue)

7 Mobile Marketing Strategies To Know (& Increase eCommerce Revenue)

Brands are turning to mobile marketing for generating more leads and driving sales!  

You need to adopt proven mobile marketing strategies, too, for boosting your ecommerce store profits. A report published by Pew Research Center reveals 15% US citizens rely solely on their smartphone to perform all buying activities.  

This new pattern is hinting at marketers to change how they reach out to customers!  

And as per marketing’s major rule books, businesses should market where consumers spend their time. So, it’s high time to invest in mobile marketing strategies that grab eyeballs and implore people to act.  

Let’s discuss about mobile marketing, why it’s vital for sales growth, and how you can apply it in your business.  

What is Mobile Marketing? (Why It’s Important)  

Mobile marketing allows businesses for reaching their customers, engaging them on the go, and convert them into buyers. Almost everyone has a smartphone these days which makes reaching out to your customers easier than before. SMS, push notifications, mobile apps, and responsive business websites are some of the many mobile marketing strategies. Meaning with right marketing plan for small screens, you can now gain more visibility and convert leads into revenue.  

There are unlimited reasons why brands are turning to mobile marketing (and you should too) such as:  

  • Gain more brand visibility and higher positions in searches with mobile marketing.
  • Tap into bigger consumer market as mobile users as over 70% of global traffic comes from mobile.  
  • Offer convenience to your end consumer and convert them with ease via mobile marketing. 
  • Brands with mobile-first website have a higher click-through-rate (CTR) in comparison to desktop users.  
  • Improve lead quality with geofencing ads and enjoy real-time conversion from consumers with buying intent searching for your services.  

7 Best Mobile Marketing Strategies 

Users switched to small screens years ago with the arrival of smartphone. Today, brands are making use of various mobile marketing strategies to get closer than ever.  

What are these mobile marketing strategies that can boost your ecommerce sales? How are brands using these marketing tactics to grab viewer’s attention and generate massive traffic? And most importantly, how you can implement these marketing strategies for mobile users?  

Let’s break down each mobile marketing strategy for small screens and generate more leads:  

Strategy # 1: Push Notification Campaigns 

The first mobile marketing strategy, to boost your ecommerce marketing efforts, is to make use of the push notification campaigns. Yes, those tiny notification in-app popups can prove a great choice to increase your ecommerce sales. With push notification campaigns, you can achieve various objectives including:  

  • Send out offer notifications
  • Announce an on-going sale event 
  • Update customers about new stock arrivals 
  • Remind them of items they added to cart 

Sephora, the beauty brand, makes use of push notifications to boost their sales and remind users to open the app. Not only they keep the users hooked to new products but successfully create a seamless shopping experience for them, too.  

Strategy # 2: Mobile-Ready Website 

You only have less than 3 seconds to convince a visitor to stay on your website! 

Now, if your website is not ready to be accessed through a smartphone, you’ll lose the visitor. One of the successful mobile marketing strategies include mobile-responsive websites to offer an optimal browsing experience. Not only will it help you in improving customer experience but also gain better rankings. Yes, a mobile-friendly website is one of the ranking metrics as per Google. So, you need to work on a few aspects of your website to make it mobile-ready such as:  

  • Improve page load time of your website’s mobile version
  • Design website screen size as per different mobile interfaces 
  • Keep an easy-to-understand mobile interface of your website 

Strategy # 3: Location-Based Ads 

Have you noticed how you get a notification to buy coffee when passing through Starbucks? 

Starbucks has been using geofencing ad strategy from years to increase their foot traffic and could be used as a use case here. This famous brand is a good example if you want to understand more about location-based ads. Geofencing, or location-based ads, are one of the wisest mobile marketing strategies that brands use for attracting potential customers.  

Whenever someone is within a specific radius, you can send out a notification on your mobile app. And remind them to visit your shop, store, or outlet and purchase from you.  

Strategy # 4: In-App Offers 

Next, you can adopt in-app offers strategy to boost your ecommerce sales via mobile marketing!  

With in-app personalized offers, you can improve your open rates 4x more than usual, says Localytics report. You must be creative enough in selecting the right wording for each offer you send through notifications.  

Look at H&M and how they utilize their mobile app to announce promotions, discounts, special offers and more. The brand has cracked the code to serve its customers on the go with in-app offers. They study what individual user searches, adds to wish-list and buys often through their mobile app. And then use this data to create personalized offers for boosting their revenue through mobile marketing.  

Strategy # 5: Enable Mobile Payments 

Another essential mobile marketing strategy is when you start offering mobile payments. Most businesses with a mobile app fail to include in-app purchases and customer has to access her banking app.  

Imagine you like a product but you’ve to close the app, make payment via banking app, and then resume your surfing.  

You’d instantly leave the brand without making a purchase!  

And including mobile payments through your apps intact the whole buying journey from start to end.  

Look at McDonald’s and how they never let you pay via cash (unless you want to) when ordering something from the app. That’s the strategy that you need to include in your mobile marketing plan for small screens/smartphone users.  

Strategy # 6: Use QR Codes 

Suppose everyone is on a treasure hunt with the torch in their hands – the smartphones. Now, you must give them easiest clue to locate the treasure i.e. your products. QR codes work in somewhat similar ways when you want to include them in your mobile marketing strategies.  

Nike is one perfect example to explain how you can make most out of QR codes! 

The sports brand strategically places QR codes for their customers to locate, scan, and obtain the information. And with this creative approach, they announce new arrivals, exclusive discounts, and special promotions, too.  

To improve your ecommerce sales, you can include QR codes into your marketing plan, too. 

Strategy # 7: Video-Based Content  

Since you’re planning to adopt mobile marketing strategies, you’ll have to start thinking vertically!  

What we mean by thinking vertically is you must create video content for keeping your customers updated about you. From BTS to product demos, and tutorials, there are various ways that you can use for educating your potential customers. 

ASOS makes use of video marketing strategy on social platforms, Instagram & TikTok, to publish video content. And with 15-30 seconds long video, they keep the end consumer hooked to their fashion products.  

If you can crack the secret of video-based content, this can improve your mobile marketing strategies to manifolds. 

Key Takeaways 

And with this, you’re all set to increase your online store revenue using one (or all) mobile marketing strategies.  

Before you leave the page and start implementing these marketing strategies for mobile users, let’s revisit each of them:  

  • Make use of push notifications to remind customers of items on cart, new arrivals, and more.
  • Improve your rankings and gain more traffic via mobile-ready website and contribute to end user’s experience.  
  • Run geofencing ads for increasing your outlet’s foot traffic when someone is near you. 
  • Analyse user activities and design tailored in-app offers to improve your app’s open ratio.  
  • Be creative and make use of QR codes for announcing new promotions, special discounts and sale events.  
  • Integrate video strategy for mobile users to educate them and turn them into brand loyalists. 

Our digital marketing specialists are always available to help you with your store’s marketing plan and more. Contact us or visit our office located in Al Qouz 1, Dubai

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