How to Identify Web Development Firm Red Flags?

How to Identify Web Development Firm Red Flags

Seeking a reliable web development agency in UAE and have no clue how to hire one?  

With so many wannabe agencies out there, your concerns are totally valid. And choosing a random agency would only increase your spending and frustration. 

I mean, it’s obvious that you wouldn’t hire someone to build your home who’s seen tons of construction video. Instead, your choice would be someone who has done a lot of construction work in the past.  

So, knowing some common web development firm red flags can save you in many ways. You wouldn’t be spending your money, time and energy on wrong people. And your project would be as you’ve initially anticipated and on-time.  

Let us narrate each agency red flag you may encounter when hiring a web development firm in Dubai.  

7 Agency Red Flags to Watch For 

Some would pose as a decade old company operating in the region and others would claim to have the best team. And there would be agencies pretending to have some technical issue causing the delay in project completion. Find out how to spot the incompetent web development agency to keep your project on-track.  

Red Flag # 1: Not Enough Portfolio to Show  

The very first sign that you can spot in a shady web development agency is not having a relevant portfolio!  

In our line of work portfolios are important and they should be recent. Current projects demonstrate that the development team is aware of what’s in the trend. And you can expect better solutions when seeking a professional website development agency.  

Ask for projects to assess if they’re the right people to hire for your development project. If you sense they’re trying to win the gig by showing random work, RUN. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing your money on incapable agency.  

Red Flag # 2: Their Offer Will Be Ending Soon 

Have you ever noticed how some companies push you too hard to sign the contract since their offer is ending?  

Here’s another web development red flag that you need to spot!  

A professional web development agency would give you enough time to assess everything. Because they know if things go as per your expectations, you’ll be their long-term client. And only new agencies display this behavior to push you to sign the contract. Even when you haven’t gone through their portfolio, attended any project brief meetings etc.  

Go with your gut feeling and decline their offer as you wouldn’t want to stick with money-hungry, unprofessional folks.  

Red Flag # 3: Look for “Hidden Charges” 

Some web development agencies squeeze the money out of your pocket once you start the project.  

Once you board them, a long list of invoices will be waiting for you!  

You’d likely hear “premium theme purchase”, “special customizations”, or any made up story just so you pay them more. When a professional web development agency submits its proposal, they include everything that’s required for successful execution.  

If you encounter this “Hidden Charges” fiasco, it only means one of two things. They’re either an inexperienced company or you’re interacting with a bogus firm good for looting your money.  

Red Flag # 4: Secretly Outsourcing to 3rd Party 

Organizations outsource projects for cost cutting and it has mixed perceptions across different industries.  

But you’re paying a good amount to have a specialized team of web developers in Dubai to  

You’re hiring the best web development agency in Dubai to receive first-hand experience from native developers. And you’ll feel quite awful upon discovering that your project is outsourced to a freelancer for a very small fee.  

Companies, the fraud ones, do this all the time to get more work than they can deliver. And you wouldn’t want to work with such a firm that says something and does the opposite of their claims.  

Red Flag # 5: No Regard for “Deadlines” 

Your website is your online shop, and the shop must be open when someone pays a visit.  

The next web development firm red flag is associated with this scenario – the deadlines! 

As a business owner, you plan everything in advance and the agency that you hire must understand that. If you communicated 3 months delivery time, it shouldn’t exceed any further. But a non-professional development firm would delay your project in the name of technical issues.  

These are the firms that you need to stay away from! 

Since a slight delay can cause you loss of business and your whole plan would tumble due to their negligence.  

Red Flag # 6: Overambitious on Tech Promises 

Most new companies have no budget to spend on technology, yet they promise to have a vast tech infrastructure!  

Suppose you hire an agency that’s only good in making mediocre business websites. On the other hand, your project demands backend integration, inventory management system, and more. 

Just to win your project, they claim to offer all tech stacks but they’ve no clue what they’re getting into. And now, you’re being given new deadlines for project completion every time you call them for updates.  

Red Flag # 7: No After-Completion Support 

Organizations offer after-sale support for nurturing business relationships with their clients!  

A common web development firm red flag is associated with “No After Completion Support”. Companies, usually new or having an unprofessional reputation, tend to ghost the clients once you make the final payment on project completion.  

These agencies not only set a bad example in the industry but also leave you with minor changes that will cost you money.  


Hiring a web development agency is an important part of your project that demands attention to little details. And these red flags can serve as your go-to checklist when you’re screening different web development agencies in Dubai. Make sure to perform some background checks on:  

  • The prospective web development agency should have a relevant and updated portfolio.  
  • Make sure the firm you’re hiring for your development project doesn’t have any “Hidden Charges” once the project is started.  
  • The development team should be deadline-oriented, so your project doesn’t get delayed due to made up “technical issues”.  
  • Ensure that your hired agency doesn’t outsource the project to a freelancer to save money. 
  • Do inquire about the tech stacks they use to ensure that it’s the right agency to outsource your development project. 

Follow these steps every time you interview a new agency to ensure everything goes smoothly. Or you may contact our development team to get more details on your project.
Contact Logix Contact for best Web Development solutions or visit our Dubai Office located in Al Qouz 1, UAE

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